LLEMR Django Settings ===================== Default settings are loaded from ``config/setttings/demo.py``. Available settings for LLEMR: OSLER_ABOUT_NAME ---------------- Name of about link in top bar. Default `"About"`. OSLER_AUDIT_BLACK_LIST ---------------------- List of IP addresses to exclude from audit. Default: `[]`. OSLER_ATTENDANCE_URL -------------------- Link that redirects to the attendance page. Can also be set by an environment variable of the same name. Default `https://www.wustl.edu`. OSLER_DEFAULT_ADDRESS --------------------- The default address field for new patients. Default: `''`. OSLER_DEFAULT_APPOINTMENT_HOUR ------------------------------ The default hour for new appointments. OSLER_DEFAULT_CITY ------------------ The default city for new patients. Default: `''`. OSLER_DEFAULT_STATE ------------------- The default state for new patients. Default: `''`. OSLER_DEFAULT_ZIP_CODE ---------------------- The default ZIP code for new patients. Default: `''`. OSLER_DEFAULT_COUNTRY --------------------- The default country for new patients. Default: `''`. OSLER_CLINIC_DAYS_PER_PAGE -------------------------- How many clinic days should be shown in the attending-style dashboard. Default `20`. OSLER_DEFAULT_DASHBOARD ----------------------- Name of the view to redirect to by default. Default `dashboard-active`. OSLER_ROLE_DASHBOARDS --------------------- A mapping of role name to dashboard view name. Default: .. code-block:: python { 'Attending': 'dashboard-attending', } OSLER_DEFAULT_ACTIVE_STATUS --------------------------- Name of the active state of patients. Takes the form of a tuple of `('name', True)`. Default: `('Active', True)`. OSLER_DEFAULT_INACTIVE_STATUS ----------------------------- Name of the active state of patients. Takes the form of a tuple of `('name', False)`. Default: `('Inactive', True)`. OSLER_DISPLAY_REFERRALS ----------------------- Display referral app features. Default `False`. OSLER_DISPLAY_APPOINTMENTS -------------------------- Display appointment app features. Default `False`. OSLER_DISPLAY_CASE_MANAGERS --------------------------- Display case manager features. Default `False`. OSLER_DISPLAY_ATTESTABLE_BASIC_NOTE ----------------------------------- Display referral app features. Default `False`. OSLER_DISPLAY_DIAGNOSIS ----------------------- Display diagnosis. Default `True`. OSLER_DISPLAY_VOUCHERS ---------------------- Display field for vouchers in H&P style note. Default `False`. OSLER_DISPLAY_WILL_RETURN ------------------------- Display will return field in H&P style note. Default `False`. OSLER_DISPLAY_ATTENDANCE ------------------------ Display link for attendance. Default `False`. OSLER_DISPLAY_FOLLOWUP ---------------------- Display followup app features. Default `False`. OSLER_DISPLAY_VACCINE --------------------- Display vaccine app features. Default `False`. OSLER_GITHUB_URL ---------------- Link to the github page for this project. May be removed in future releases. Default ``. OSLER_MAX_APPOINTMENTS ---------------------- Maximum number of allowed appointments per day. OSLER_MAX_SYSTOLIC ------------------ Maximum allowed systolic blood pressure before an error is triggered. OSLER_MIN_DIASTOLIC ------------------- Minimum allowed systolic blood pressure before an error is triggered. OSLER_TODO_LIST_MANAGERS ------------------------ .. code-block:: python OSLER_TODO_LIST_MANAGERS = [ ('core', 'ActionItem'), ('referral', 'FollowupRequest'), ('vaccine', 'VaccineActionItem') ] OSLER_WORKUP_COPY_FORWARD_FIELDS -------------------------------- Which fields should be copied forward for H&P style notes ("Workups"). Options include `pmh`, `psh`, `fam_hx`, `soc_hx`, `meds`, `allergies`. OSLER_WORKUP_COPY_FORWARD_MESSAGE --------------------------------- A string giving the message should be added to fields copied forward in H&P-style notes. Default is: .. code-block:: python (u"Migrated from previous workup on {date}. " u"Please delete this heading and UPDATE " u"the following as necessary:\n\n{contents}")